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Mr. Taylor

I am Mr. Taylor and this is my 19th year of teaching here at CGMS.   We will be using this site to manage resources and upcoming assignments.  

Please Sign up for Remind Text @taylorscg to 81010


In a constant strive to push you to work to the highest potential I want you to understand our  grading procedure for the year.
The activities of the class will be a mix of direct instruction, guided practice, labs, small group work and stations.  There is the possibility of homework a couple of nights per week, typically though, this will be unfinished class work.  Your quarter grade will be primarily determined based 9 weekly tests and a cumulative quarterly test.  While that is not to say there won’t be any other grades, the number of grades may not be what you are used to.
In order to make sure you are fully prepared for the weekly test, I will utilize this site to assign a mix of resources that may include readings, online or printable practice as well as review of instruction or classwork when feasible. These assignments will NOT be a grade nor will many of the assignments we do in class.  They are meant as resources for information that will also be covered on the weekly test as well as practice in order for you to determine your readiness and content mastery. If you score below an 80 on a weekly content test, you will be able to retake the assignment until you can prove content mastery by scoring an 80 or above.  If you continue to perform poorly, there will be remediation time offered during the week and you may be assigned an alternative form of assessment.

Parents, I hope for your continued support in your role of making sure your child performing to their potential!  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email at or by phone during my planning from 8:43 until 9:43 at 704.857.7038.
Thank you,
Brad Taylor

Drop Box For Assignments




























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